Page 11 - New Works
P. 11

Paula Dubois                                                                                                    E EUR 6.900
                   Let – 10 works as a set                                                                                           U R   1,3 9  0

                   B  l o o m   w h e re   yo u   a re   p l a  n  te d   # 3
                   6 0          c m
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                    Artist Paula Dubois immerses her entire being in the wonder of nature. Let is a body of work that emerged from this
                    sense of wonder. These pieces were inspired by the Creation story found in the ancient biblical text, as well as by a
                    poem by Kei Miller called The book of Genesis.

                    The images depict moments from Genesis chapter 1, a text that speaks of words taking shape, and thoughts coming
                    into being: ‘Let there be light…; Let there be a vault between the waters…; Let the water under the sky gather in
                    one place…; Let there be light in the vault…; Let the waters teem with living creatures…; Let the land produce living
                    creatures…. Let us make mankind…’

                    In his poem, Miller speculated about what our lives would look like if we allowed our silent dreams to come into being.
                    Through these paintings, Paula considers whether this is even possible. Can we possibly live our silent, unspoken
                    dreams by allowing ourselves to be seen and loved by the Creator of dreams? Can this be true even of dreams we
                    thought were meant only for us?

                    Paula  works  mainly  in  ink,  a  translucent,  versatile  medium  resembling  the  fluidity  of  the  ocean,  yet  capable  of
                    producing a solid, opaque surface.

                    Creatively and spiritually, she draws from a celebration of ephemeral beauty. Reflecting on the often fragile, fleeting
                    wonders of daily life, she explores an ambiguous space where life and loss, light and darkness, the eternal and
                    transient sway in delicate tension - mysteries that keep pointing her back to the Creator, in Whom all things hold

                    Please note: Each of the works is available separately (see the following pages).


                    ARTIST    Paula Dubois
                    TITLE   Let                                                                                   paula dubois ar tist
                    DATE    2023                                                                        
                    MEDIUM   Ink on canvas
                    SIZE    10 pieces. 90 x 360 cm                                                                +27 83 778 0233
                    PRICE   R 95 000                                                                              Instagram: pauladubois_
 The Travelling Art Gallery
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